Finding dog-friendly parks in Shanghai is like finding a needle in a haystack.

I have been to Chongming Island many times with the dogs and while we were able to find some nice hotels (see our dog-friendly hotel posts), parks were a different story. Many of the parks we tried to go to were not dog friendly. The few parks we found that allowed dogs were more like walking paths close to the road. Not the best area for our dogs to run and play fetch.
After being turned away park after park we started to think this trip might be a bust. We decided to try Dongtan Wetland Reserve. We heard this park might be dog friendly, but nobody answered the phone when we called. We made the drive to the park and were pleasantly surprised.
Dongtan Wetland Reserve

The entrance to the park is 70 RMB a person and they have the option of tourists open aired buses (also dog friendly) for 10 RMB per person. You don’t need the busses as there are so many beautiful walking paths in the park.
When you arrive at the park you will need to sign a waiver for your dog. It essentially says that you are responsible for your dog and if anything happens you will be held responsible. This is just a precaution for the park. We have had many dog trips to this park (sometimes 20+ dogs with no issues).
After you get your tickets go through the temperature check. You will need to show your green code and give the workers the signed form for your dog.
Once you enter the park you will see a map. The park is very well labeled with signage to different areas of the park. It is hard to get lost as the park is more or less one large loop with different sections to explore.
We had our two dogs off-leash the entire time and no one really seemed to mind. During our dog trips we have 15- 20 dogs off leash at times with no problems.
We didn’t see too many people until we got closer to the restaurant. The restaurant is not dog friendly, but there are picnic tables outside on the patio and they will bring you your food outside. You can alternatively pack your own lunch as well.
We followed the boardwalks and my dog, Hugo, loved looking out at the ducks. Hugo hates water, so I didn’t have to worry about him jumping in after the ducks.

Closer to the restaurant there is a large field and an area with goats. Hugo actually scared a baby goat. He is very curious and always wants to say hello to other animals (including goats and pigs).
In this area, there were lots of people, but if you keep walking there is another field (by the indoor archery) with very few people. Here we were able to play fetch and let them go wild.
The park is definitely worth going to, especially if you’re already on Chongming Island. The dogs loved it and walking around the water boardwalks and seeing all the birds was a great way to spend the day.