Dirty paws are the sign of a good walk...
Zhugongyan Scenic Spot 祝公岩风景区

Tested November 27th 2021

The map makes this look small in comparison to the areas around it but there are plenty of places to explore here. There is no entry fee nor supervision on this path but there are lots of stairs. Being far from the road and relatively unknown, this is a great spot for you and your pooch. Once you reach the top you’ll find a good view of the surrounding area which only gets better if you continue, there’s another staircase on the other side to make your way back down. Be aware, at the bottom there is an old building and there are chickens wandering freely behind it. From there you’ll find Huan Xi Green Way. Turning right will take you back around to where you started in no less than ten minutes. Turning left will take you into farming area. If you trust your dog not to jump into the mud then you can extend your walk. You’ll find yourself walking through farmland and eventually building site and areas with guard dogs. But it’s a rewarding walk that you can make as long or short as you like with some lovely views.
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ShenLiXia Scenic Spot 神丽峽风景区

Tested November 28th 2021

Upon arrival at the spot, it’s polite to ask the security guards at the entrance gate first. They requested that I keep my dog on a leash which I would recommend too while there is a lot of water and waterfalls. Grab a slightly longer leash and you’ll have a great walk. There are beautiful views and some great spots to build your bond with your pup. Stepping stones and swinging wood bridges as well as a waterfall you can walk beneath are a test of your pups faith in you.

This spot is a nice little valley with some very interesting history. Springs used during droughts and paths used by armies. There’s plenty for you and your dog to enjoy. To enter the valley the ticket costs 40yuan, there are seasonal cafes and events that take place there, but to really enjoy this I would suggest going early in the morning while the mist over the lake is settling and there are no other people around. The gate opens around 8:15.

DeSheng Rock 德胜岩

Tested December 4th 2021
This area is completely dog friendly. Even the dogs that live there are dog friendly! This spot is incredibly beautiful and a fantastic walk. Beginning at the South side path starts at Yannan Old Temple, you can drive all the way to the temple to start the walk there and out of respect for those praying I chose to keep my dog on the leash until we were a little further on the path. There are lots of stairs involved in this climb, but there are also rest points and paths to help.
Also, if you drive yourself, it’s highly recommended that you return the same way you came once you reach the top or you could be in for a very long walk back if you continue down the other side. Luckily you don’t have to repeat the whole walk, instead there are two paths which begin and end in the same places, you just have to look out for the stairs. There are other monastery’s on the way up and there are people living on the mountain so please remind your pup to be respectful. It is a very popular spot and does get busier during the day so I recommend arriving early so you can have to amazing views all to yourself. At the top there is a place to buy some snacks and drinks though prices are a little higher than usual. There is also a bathroom but I would advise you try not to use it…

This walk takes about 1-2 hours depending on your level but don’t rush it or you’ll miss some great photo opportunities!

Shemu Mountain 社姆殿

Tested December 5th 2021
Currently under renovation, there was still no shortage of paths and spots to explore. The locals living on the mountain are friendly and have no problem with dogs running around. Just remind your pup not to wander into their houses. There are many paths and stairs as well as small temples in this area. While renovation is taking place, the walk is considerably shorter with the path upwards being closed. Don’t let this deter you for now though because the photo opportunities here are endless! To enter the area is only 20yuan and there is parking available at the gate. There are bathrooms available, but don’t stop at the first one you find, there’s a much newer one available further along the path. Early in the morning we had the place to ourselves to explore. There are chickens at the front gate and several areas that look as if they are used for beekeeping so keep this in mind for the spring and summer months. Overall, we enjoyed this place even if it currently only takes about 1 hour to walk around.

Xiandongshan Forest Park 仙洞山森林公园

Tested December 5th 2021
This location was unusual at first glance. Further investigation is needed to determine if it is seasonal, but it looks to be quite deserted. The surroundings are reservoirs and industrial areas and the ‘Park’ itself is not what it seems. In fact, there is a simple carpark and temple. Now, this sounds quite unappealing and for myself it was BUT if you enjoy hiking and you want to see what kind of dog yours might be when returned to the wild for an hour. This is the place to go. There are no real paths or stairs so bring your hiking boots. As far as I could tell, there were two ways up. One to the left, where there is a temple built into the rock, go right up to the door and turn right where there is a section of cliff that forms stairs. The other requires walking behind the large temple building directly in front of you as you arrive. In the far corner behind, there appear to be steps. My pup decided that the harder way was obviously the best way. In this area, there isn’t much to see for a view, but seeing my dog running wild was incredibly rewarding. He could go as far as he liked and there were no worries about him running into anyone or anything that he shouldn’t. I would highly recommend some form of breadcrumb trail unless you’ve got a good sense of direction. If hiking is your thing, you might enjoy getting off the beaten trail in this area.

Places that are in fact NOT dog friendly
Huaxia Forest 华溪森林公园

Tested November 27th 2021
Unfortunately this area is not dog friendly. The security guards will politely tell you that you can’t enter with the dog. It’s a lovely scenic area all the same.

Follow Finn on instagram to keep up with their adventures @ FINLEYS_CHINA_ADVENTURES