Hidden Waterfalls With a Secret Entrance Outside Ningbo

Don't Go Chasing waterfalls - TLC

Lake at the top of the small hike

      On our way to our hotel in Ningbo we wanted to stop for a quick lunch. We did a quick search on dianping and found a nice restaurant. It was a little out of the way, but we had time to kill before we could check into our hotel, so we headed to the restaurant. We were stopped by a man telling us we had to park in his parking lot. We insisted we were going for lunch and he eventually let us drive through. We got to the restaurant a little before it opened and decided to explore the area. We found this delightful little path and were pleasantly surprised.  

      This area is apparently full of hiking paths and scenic areas. We did not know this prior to arrival. Right behind the restaurant we found some steps and decided to see where it went. We started walking through the bamboo forest and let the dogs run off leash. We had no idea where this path led. We eventually got to a large body of water and decided this would be a good place to turn around. I kept going to check out what was down the other path and a beautiful path and some nice waterfalls. 

       We decided to follow the path down and explore the waterfalls. It wasn’t a hard walk down, but it was very pretty with many waterfalls and trees that were all knotted together creating covers over the pagodas.  We started seeing more people in this area, but they were all walking up. When we finally got to the bottom, we realized that it was a scenic area, with a ticket entrance and all.

I do not know if this area is supposed to be dog friendly as we went up the back way, but they didn’t say anything as we walked out with our dogs. 

Search 横洗人家农家菜 on your map and it should take you to the restaurant. 

        Keep going past the restaurant and you will see a fork in the road, turn right and about 300 m up the road there will be a staircase leading into for the forest. Go up the staircase and follow the path up the mountain until you get to the lake. From here you will start to head down the mountain following the path with many waterfalls. 

Fork in the road
Head up this road
Entrance to the path


On Key

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