How to make your dog comfortable in the car?

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Making your dog dog comfortable in a car

     Car travel is a big part of having a dog whether it be car rides to the vet, groomers, or road trips. Dogs handle car rides differently, some have love them from the very beginning and some are terrified. There are a few tricks that can be used to help ensure your dog enjoys car rides. 

Get Your Dog Used To Being In A Car

      If you have access to car, it is good to start just going in the car while it is turned off and giving your dog treats or feeding them their meals in the car. Then they can start to associate the car with yummy rewards and treats. This can be tricky in China as many people don’t have their own car.

Short Trips

      The first few times you take your dog in a car make sure to keep the rides short. The first few trips should not be a long road trip. The dog can get car sick and associate that unpleasantness with the car itself. Work your way up to longer road trips by increasing the driving time gradually. 

Destination Matters

      The first few trips in the car bring your dog somewhere they will enjoy. I use this when introducing my foster dogs to both cars and scooters. Bring them to the park or for a doggie playdate. Then they will start to associate the car with going somewhere fun. If you only use the car to take them to the vet, they start to make the connection and that will make your dog not like cars (given that your dog doesn’t like the vet). 

Make Your Comfortable

      Make sure the car is a comfortable place for your dog. Some dogs like to sit on the floor and others are fine just on the seat. You know your dog best and how to make it comfortable. 
      Some dogs are anxious in cars and adding their dog bed or a blanket can help to reduce the anxiety. They have something familiar to help keep them calm. 
      Physical contact also goes a long way in reducing anxiety. So, if you can sit with them or pet them during the trip this will help to reduce anxiety and make the car a more pleasant place.  

      Also, the way your dog sits, or lays can affect their likelihood of getting sick. Dogs are less likely to get car sick if they are facing forward, so when arranging your dog that is something to keep in mind.


      If your dog enjoys car rides and is up and walking around it can be dangerous. Especially if they like sticking their head out the window. 

    This is not such a concern when I am sitting in the back with my dogs because I can hold their harnesses while they have their heads out the window, however if you are driving this can be a cause for concern. I highly recommend getting a doggie seatbelt. One end attaches to their harness like a leash and the other end goes into the seatbelt buckle in the car. Then your dog can move around freely but they are secured and can’t jump out the window, or on you while you are driving. 

This is an example from

Motion Sickness

        If all else fails and your dog is still getting motion sickness, or you know you will be travelling around a windy road speak to your vet about motion sickness pills for dogs. 


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