Is Sun Island Dog Friendly?

Sun Island is an incredible getaway for the whole family

Photo from Sun Island

     Sun Island is a great getaway for the whole family, including your furry friends. Sun Island is divided into sections. There is a pet section with a doggie swimming pool, pet bistro and a large field for the dogs. It even has dog friendly hotels. 
      The other sections are not dog friendly but if your going for the weekend the dogs can be left with the boarding staff or in the hotel rooms. Other sections include a man made beach, waterpark, etc… 

Dog Friendly Hotel

      Sun Island has many dog friendly hotels. They are clean and spacious. They are equipped with baby gates at the front door to keep your fur family from escaping. There is also a pet sleeping area. It is like your pets own little hotel inside the villa. It has a bed, water bowl and other necessities. 

      The dog friendly villa area has its own entrance with signs to let others know they are entering the pet villa area. Hopefully this will keep anyone afraid of dogs out of this area. There are also posts with poop bags throughout the area to help you have the tools to clean up after your pups. 

Pet Play Area

      The pet play area has a doggie swimming pool. The swimming pool area has doggie life jackets available if needed. This area also has a small indoor ball pit the dogs can play in. The ball pit area is inside (so it is heated/ AC). The pool is outside but there is a canopy style cover to keep the sun from beating down on you while you and your furry friends play in the pool. 

      There is also a large field in the play area. This field is well kept with agility and obstacle courses. There is also a water station for the dogs. They even have a large bowl so the dogs can always have access to drinking water. 

     All tickets to the pet play area include access to the pool and large field. 

Humans -20 RMB per person
Dogs – 120 RMB per dog.

Paw Bistro

      The Paw Bistro used to be located in the pet play area, but it is now located at the hotel lobby area (by the golfing section). It is a bit of a walk from the pet play area, but the walk is nice following the road by the water. 
      The Paw Bistro mainly has outdoor seating now but your furry friend is more than welcome to join your a meal. 


To find Sun Island search for their mini program on WeChat: 上海太阳岛Sun Island 


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