The Garden – great dog boarding in Hangzhou

A doggie home away from home

Like so many others I was hesitant to get a dog when coming to China. I seemed to share the same fear with others . I was in China to travel and see the world how could I do that with a dog? How could I spend my summers globe trotting around the world when I have this animal depending on me? I was not someone who liked the idea of leaving my dog in a pet shop or a boarding facility with cages while I traveled for long periods of time. I started asking this question to friends with dogs in hangzhou . What do you do with your dog when you travel? 

We are very lucky in Hangzhou to have found a solution called THE GARDEN.
The garden is a non caged boarding house for dogs. Each animal have their own room for sleep time, but are mostly in a large open area to play along with other canine friends throughout the day.
The facilities are open with lots of space for the dogs to run and play. There are large buckets of water around the play area. There is even a swimming pool for water play during the summer.

You may also purchase other packages such as hiking around the mountains and lakes in the local area.

The boarding house is owned by bilingual partners . A women from America and a man from China. making it easy to communicate in both English and Chinese.

It is very easy to get there from Hangzhou. Although we have only been once to drop our dog off since the garden offers a very convenient drop off and pick up service in hangzhou for a small fee.


My dog gets excited everytime she sees the white van to come pick her up. She runs to the owner of the boarding house, wagging her tail as if to say I am ready to go on my own vacation.

If you are planning on leaving your dog behind for an extended period of time your dog will be safe and cared for. The garden will also insure this by sending you at least 2 or 3 videos of your dog playing a day.
The garden is a great find and no matter where we go in China we will continue to bring our dog there when we travel out of country.

WeChat: Gardencity001


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