A quick guide to help you find the right treat for your pooch
There are so many different options and opinions surrounding dog treats. We’ve made a quick guide to some dog treat brands we trust.
Like many others when I got my dog, Hugo, I didn’t know what treats were healthy or if there were any healthy treats. I would buy my treats on Taobao, but of course, I’ve heard horror stories about some sellers selling fake treats making the animals sick or even leading to death. This freaked me out and I started looking for alternatives.
Below, in no particular order, are some of the brands that I found that I trust and are delicious (according to our furry friends).

Costco offers different pet food and treats. They offer salmon and duck treats from the brand Natural Core. We have also tried the Parmy bones, and the dogs love it.
Don’t have a Costco membership, don’t worry! Neighborhood is a community service platform that helps foreigners living in Shanghai to buy Costco groceries. They own more than 100 vans in Shanghai and guarantee that all cat and dog food, cat litter, treats, etc. come from Costco. You can place an order with mobile phones and the items will be delivered to your doorstep by their own drivers.
Add Fairy on WeChat to see a full list and prices: 18017260956
Hugo loves the Salmon Natural Cove treats

Cindy’s treats are all homemade and made from natural ingredients. She has a wide variety of treats available from duck necks to chicken jerky. Cindy sells by the gram, so you can order as much or as little as you need. She also sells doggie cakes in the shape of a paw print. Purrfect for a doggie birthday party.
Hugo loves Cindy’s jerky!
Add Cindy on WeChat to see her full list and prices: mibu186

Stumpdog is a relatively new company with all-natural treats for your fur family.
During the pandemic, it was hard finding local treats that were healthy and affordable and even harder to get imported products. Thus, Stumpdog Treats was created. All of their treats are tested by their rescue teddy-poodle, Napoleon.
Their homemade treats are made with fresh ingredients and no preservatives. They also have different flavors of the month so keep checking in to see what new flavors they have in store!
Hugo recommends the peanut butter biscuits
To order search Stumpdogtreats on WeChat

Pawsome was founded in 2016 with a wide range of products. They have treats for both cats and dogs as well as meal plans.
The company started when Franziska’s Golden Retriever nearly passed away from fake pet food. She then later met Karolina Weiss (a certified pet nutritionist) and started Pawsome together to make sure people have healthy and safe options for their fur family.
Search PawsomeNutri on WeChat to view their treats and meal plans
Hugo loves the grilled sardines and Bovine ears

If we missed one of your favourite treat brands let us know! We are always looking for more options when it comes to trusted treats. Plus, Hugo will be grateful you let us know as his opinion in the only one that matters in our household.